The Mission of the Spatial Web Foundation
The Spatial Web Foundation (SWF) is dedicated to fostering the development and ethical application of technology. Our primary focus is on the creation and implementation of socio-technical standards for the Spatial Web. These standards ensure that exponential technologies are not only technically robust but also socially beneficial, safe, compliant with existing laws, and in alignment with societal norms and values.
The Spatial Web Foundation Approach:
At SWF, we champion transparency and accountability in technological development. We advocate for responsible innovation and actively engage in dialogues and collaborations with a diverse range of stakeholders. Our proactive stance allows us to anticipate and address emerging ethical challenges head-on.
Transitioning to the Spatial Web:
The inception of SWF was driven by the need to guide the transition from the traditional 2D text-based internet to an immersive 3D “spatial” web. Our role is to oversee the seamless implementation of its associated protocols.
Our Vision:
We envision a world where technology unlocks the vast intellectual and creative potential of humanity. By channeling this potential, we aim to benefit both individuals and the planet. The SWF is committed to catalyzing personal and community growth, fostering a harmonious, sustainable future for all. Our ultimate goal is to pave the way for a universally prosperous future, ensuring the continued forward evolution of life.